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steel recycling facts

Steel Recycling: 6 interesting facts that you probably didn’t know

Steel recycling guarantees a large number of industries the opportunity to be more sustainable, since up to 99% of the steel produced can be reused, thus making it, in a sense, a renewable material.

Learn below 6 interesting facts about steel recycling and its processes:

Steel is the most recycled material in the US and the world

Both in the US and the world, the most recycled material is steel. In fact, more steel is recycled in our country than all the recycled plastic, copper, paper, aluminum, and glass combined by weight.

The advantage of a material  like this is that steel it provides stability of supply to the industry, since it can count not only on producing new raw material, but also on recovering and repurposing scrap.

Steel can be recycled without losing the properties that makes it a preferred material in so many products

Steel is characterized in part by the strength and resistance it provides, and these are not compromised by or lost in recycling processes. That is, once steel is recycled, a product of the same characteristics is obtained.

This means that the products produced  from recycling are the same as those made from virgin raw materials in the ways that are most important to those that use them.  They are as durable as they are recyclable.

Recycling steel: its impact on the economy and the environment

By making use of scrap instead of new raw material, it is possible to develop more profitable production processes, since recovery tends to be cheaper than extracting new material.

At the same time, natural resources are preserved, the level of exploitation of natural areas in mines is reduced, and the expenditure of energy or resources necessary for these  processes is avoided.

Helps improve air quality

Undertaking the recycling of materials such as steel translates into helping improve air quality; an example of this is the use of Electric Arc Furnaces for the melting of material, which contributes to reducing the emission of pollutants into the environment.

Learn more about how Electric Arc Furnaces help make steelmaking processes greener and more efficient in this other article on our blog (LINK).

Another advantage of recycling steel is that greenhouse gas emissions are reduced, the use of certain substances that can be toxic in nature is avoided, and scrap metal that would otherwise be left exposed in the environment is recovered. 

Recycling benefits various industries

Steel is the most widely recycled material in the world and also one of the most used, which is why a large number of manufacturing industries rely on it. Thus, the recycling of steel helps to grow different sectors such as:

  • Construction and infrastructure.
  • Automotive
  • Equipment and Machinery.
  • Farming.
  • Telecommunications.
  • Home appliances and other household items.
  • Electronics and electrical materials.
  • Locksmithing, fences and security.

Steel is recycled as it brings well-being to the world

Steel can be found all over in our daily lives, from the utensils we use in the kitchen, as part of our cars or reinforcing the structure of houses and buildings. Steel recycling enables manufacturers, like us at Optimus Steel and our clients, to safely deliver quality products continuously.

Our industry has evolved, and today in the US less than half the energy required for steel production 40 years ago is required now, thus resulting in an up to 50% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, which represents well-being and a better future for all.