Tag Archives: Optimus Steel LLC

Healthy Habits in the Workplace: A Guide

Healthy habits in the workplace

Feeling tired and demotivated at work? You’re not alone! The workplace can be a breeding ground for
sickly habits. However, there are a number of things we can do to create create and promote healthy habits in the workplace. Long hours, sedentary work, and stress can all take a toll on our physical and mental health.

Our workplace can be a great ally in adopting healthy habits. By incorporating physical activity, a balanced diet, and a positive work environment, we can improve our quality of life and increase our productivity.

Here are a few tips for promoting healthy habits in the workplace:

  1. Plan physical activity: this is one of the best things you can do for your health. It can help you lose weight, reduce your risk of chronic diseases, and improve your mood. There are a number of ways to encourage physical activity in the workplace, especially for those with office jobs, such as:
    • Using the on-site fitness room.
    • Using standing desks or treadmill desks.
    • Walk or stretch on a break.
  2. Healthy food options: eating a healthy diet is another important part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Many workplaces offer unhealthy food options, such as vending machines filled with sugary snacks and drinks, but our Moncla Mart offers fresh and healthy options.  You can maximize a healthy lunch with a bang on bag lunch from home!
  3. A culture of wellness: basically, a culture of wellness is one that supports and encourages healthy habits. At Optimus Steel take advantage of:
    • Regular availability of free, fresh fruit.
    • Health screenings and wellness programs.
    • Regular availability of water and other hydrating options.

finally, by promoting healthy habits in the workplace, we can create a healthier and more productive workforce. After considering and engaging in these activities, encourage your teammates to do the same!

tips for safety at workplace

5 Safety Tips for the Workplace

Safety in the workplace must be constantly built and maintained. Safety is the responsibility of everyone at Optimus Steel and is not something we should take for granted.

Our plant is a facility where strategic planning, technological improvement, and efficient production work together to ensure all of our team members work and arrive home safely.  It is important to be able to recognize hazards with their associated levels of risk in order to prevent them. 

Prevention is important because:

  • Accidents  are avoided.
  • It gives everyone peace of mind, allowing people to function productively and efficiently.
  • It guarantees quality in our operations and production processes.

Tips to Improve Safety in the Workplace

Stay alert and always report risks

In your daily tasks, it is important to concentrate on your work without losing sight of the surrounding environment; you must stay alert and always aware of the activities around you in order to detect any possible risk, incident, problem, or factor that could result in a possible accident.

When detecting an incident, it is the responsibility of the team to report the event and not overlook it. It is important that you know the procedures and protocols in order to keep everyone safe.

Make sure your work environment is always clean and unobstructed

For safety purposes, and to make processes more efficient, work areas must remain orderly; this also implies that we must be alert to items on the ground that can cause anyone to trip and fall.

Avoid running inside the plant. Always walk, watching your steps, paying attention to where you are stepping, and where you are going. Always avoid having food or drinks on or near machinery, devices or electronics.

Never skip steps

All procedures in the plant are carried out according to protocols that build safety in each step. Processes have a specific sequence of steps. It is important to never skip or modify steps in established processes; avoiding rushing, or skipping steps in the sequence, which can lead to the creation of accidents.

Always wear your PPE

Personal Protective Equipment is designed to be your ally in safety while you are in certain operating areas of the plant. It is the last line of defense when a potential hazard is present. 

It is important to always make proper and full use of PPE, without discarding elements due to discomfort, as this could cause problems. The protective equipment cannot help to protect you if it is not worn properly.  

Always use machinery and tools correctly

Our plant processes involve melting scrap, at very high temperatures, to convert the scrap to molten metal. It is ultimately important to follow all procedures and use machinery, tools, and equipment, with care according to protocols during this process.

Keep the floors clean, removing unnecessary debris. Remember to stay well hydrated and aware of signs and symptoms indicating potential heat stress conditions.

lowering emissions industry

How our industry is lowering emissions

Today, the metals industry, and especially the steel industry, is working hard on a historic technological transformation, meant to generate production processes not only more effective but also sustainable.

It is also a reality that the reduction in CO2 emissions is much more than a commitment: it is an industry goal   with positive actions  already  taking place.

Sustainable steel

Steel can be found in practically all areas of modern life, and in 2019 alone it is estimated that around 240 kg of steel were produced for every person in the world. It is also estimated that at least 6.7% of CO2 emissions in the world come from the steel industry, while that figure is only 1% in the United States.

That is why the sector demands a real and tangible change with real actions that help develop cleaner and more environmentally friendly processes, producing steel in sustainable and responsible ways, with the US continuing to lead the way.

EAF: a sustainable way of producing steel

Electric Arc Furnaces are an alternative to significantly decrease CO2 emissions via electrification, unlike other traditional methods that can generate up to 400% more emissions.

Today, at least 70% of steel companies in the United States employ EAF technology, which allows them to operate in a more efficient, greener and safer way, also thanks to automation.

However, this reality contrasts with the rest of the  world, where only 25% of the steel producing mills make use of this type of technology.

Tidbits on sustainability  in the steel industry:

  • Steel is 100% recyclable.
  • The US Geological Survey reports recycled steel consumption in America was equivalent to more than 115,500 tons every day for the first half of 2022..
  • 99% of steel co-products can be recycled.
  • The steel produced by EAF generates 75% less CO2 emissions.
  • 17 million cars are recycled by the EAF steel industry.
  • At least 90% of the water used in EAF steel mills is cleaned and returned to the environment or reused in the operation.
steel industry in USA

Reasons why steel is America’s backbone

Today, the steel industry represents one of the largest and fastest growing economic sectors in the United States. Without a doubt, ours is a solid industry built by men and women whose work strengthens the economy and seeks technological advances in order to always go further.

The origin of the steel industry in the United States

It was the Industrial Revolution that promoted the development of activities such as the steel industry throughout the world, and it was in the 19th century that a nascent steel industry began to gain strength in our country.

It is estimated that by 1880, steel production in the United States grew from 1.25 to 10 million tons, and by 1910, 24 million tons were produced domestically.

It should be noted that the production of steel has been with humanity for much longer, yet it was not until the modern era that steel production was industrialized and new technologies were developed.

Some fast facts about our country’s steel industry:

  • Currently, the industry is estimated to produce more than 106 million tons per year.
  • Most of the steel produced in the United States today comes from recycling, thus ensuring a sustainable industry.
  • The steel industry strengthens other sectors such as infrastructure, construction, car production, appliances, electronics, safety, healtcare and sustainable development.
  • 75% of the steel varieties available today have been technologically developed in the last 20 years. 
  • As of 2017, the steel industry produced more than 2 million jobs for Americans , both directly and indirectly.
  • Steel is a dynamic part of America’s economy, accounting for more than $520 billion in economic output. 
  • Since 1990, measures have been promoted to reduce carbon emissions in steel production with new, sustainable technologies being developed and implemented today.
  • Approximately 70,000,000 tons of steel are recycled every year.
Education Optimus Steel and the Thad Boudreaux Memorial Scholarship

Education: the key to a better tomorrow. 

Optimus Steel and the Thad Boudreaux Memorial Scholarship

At Optimus Steel we believe the future is built through actions able to transform lives, such as the opportunity to study and develop a professional career.

For 2022 we were happy to award the Thad Boudreaux Memorial Scholarship for a second year, to young dependents of active Optimus Steel employees.  This year we expanded the applications to include the grandchildren of our employees.

What is The Thad Boudreaux Memorial Scholarship?

This scholarship is in memory of the late Thaddeus “Thad” Boudreaux (1954-2020), an outstanding citizen of Beaumont who worked at our mill for almost 44 years and served in various roles, the last being Technical Services Manager.  He was a trusted friend and colleague who touched our lives and will forever be in our hearts.

Thad was a generous man who always looked for ways to support and contribute to his community and our mill. Today, the scholarship is in his memory and is managed by the International Scholarship and Tuition Services (ISTS), a 100% women-owned corporation founded in 1985.

Before this year’s opening of the application process, Thad’s eldest son, Aaron Boudreaux, wrote a letter encouraging our employees to have their children and grandchildren apply, particularly from our hourly team members.  The applications were so strong we decided to add another scholarship, so now we are up to four every year and three of the four winners for 2022 were children of our hourly team members.  We could not be happier about this fact as our team members are the backbone of our company.  It is also worth noting the overall applications increased by 50%.  Aaron’s letter was very successful.  Thank you, Aaron!

Through this scholarship, talented children and grandchildren of our employees obtain additional support and encouragement to further their studies and create a better future for themselves.  We are humbled to be able to offer this program now, and for years to come.  Please congratulate our winners who will be formally presented the scholarship on July 14th at our mill.

Who are the talented winners this year?

2022 winners:

StudentParent or GrandparentWork Area
Pablo ArredondoMiguel ArredondoRolling Mill
Aleigha RaymerTravis WindhamQ.A. Inspector
Gracie SmithSteven SmithMelt Shop
Mechanical Maintenance
Frank RelfordFrank Relford Jr.Reheat Furnace Operator

A reminder of our winners for the inaugural year of 2021:

2021 winners

StudentParent or GrandparentWork Area
Pablo ArredondoMiguel ArredondoRolling Mill
Carly D. LivelyTravis WindhamMiles Stone
Dagan H. LottJosh HerronIT Field Support Technician

The Thad Boudreaux Memorial Scholarship, an initiative we hope to grow year after year in memory of a man who positively impacted many lives.  We hope this scholarship program will do the same thing.  #OurMill #OurCompany

This is how different industries are supported thanks to our productsThis is how different industries are supported thanks to our products

This is how different industries are supported thanks to our products

Learn about the industries we support with our products

Our goal at Optimus Steel is creating products that truly solve the needs of our customers, and that is why we focus on quality and always strive for perfection in everything we do.

Our mill is in Beaumont, Texas, and from here we can strengthen much of the United States through the production of Wire Rod, Coiled Rebar and Billets, suitable for different industries.

All our products are made under the highest quality standards and following current specifications, standards or regulations (as applicable). Over the years our mill has been awarded ISO 9001 certifications, NTPEP Compliance, also receiving awards for safety, community service, outstanding engineering, the acquisition of the mill and actions for the environment.

Perhaps more importantly, in the manufacturing of our products we make use of recycled material inputs, and Electric Arc Furnace technology, the combination of which allow us to be more efficient and significantly reduce the carbon footprint compared to traditional steelmaking processes. 

This, together with our customer service and logistics teams, makes Optimus Steel a great partner, able to satisfy the needs of different industries.

What industries do we serve?

  • Construction

Our catalog of Wire Rod and Coiled Rebar products is widely and diversely used in the construction field. Examples of this are the products our customers manufacture for  bridges, roads, concrete pipes and parking decks, these being areas where the strength and support of concrete is often preferred.

  • Automotive Industry

The automotive sector is among the most important ones in the United States, and there our products are used for the manufacturing of various auto parts particularly fasteners.

  • Manufacturing and Consumer Goods

Our products support numerous industries that transform them into a wide variety of everyday products. For example, Wire Rods are widely used to manufacture nails, bed springs, hangers, storage units, grills, refrigerator shelves, appliance racks and chain link fences.  It is estimated the wire that is made from our wire rod has over 100,000 uses.

  • Farming 

In the agricultural sector, Wire Rod can be used in the manufacturing of baling wire, vineyard wire, barbed wire fence and animal pens among other products. 

The Importance of Community Involvement and Employee Participation

At Optimus Steel, we take pride in participating in various events that strengthen our internal culture and give back to the local community. Our team will be taking part in a fundraising event for the American Cancer Society called Relay for Life. Across more than 20 countries, Relay for Life will facilitate more than 5,000 events to support the continued fight against many types of cancer. The events are held at campus universities, across local communities, and via virtual fundraising platforms bridging the cap with supporters and survivors. The funds raised are used to improve cancer survival, decrease the incidence of cancer, and improve the quality of life for cancer patients and those who care for them.

A survivor’s lap at a Relay for Life event in Texas

In October of 1985, the American Cancer society and the pharmaceutical division of Imperial Chemical Industries (the creator of many cancer fighting drugs) partnered to establish October as National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Annually, there is a campaign to raise awareness of breast cancer risks, the value of screening, and early detection. The campaign helps to highlight treatment options available to women and men who are diagnosed with one of the many forms of breast cancer.

White House Illuminated pink in honor of National Breast Cancer Awareness Month 2017

Breast cancer touches the life of 1 in 8 women in the US, and we want to continue to take part in spreading the critical information on detection and prevention. We do also want to show support to those that are actively fighting, and to recognize, support, and celebrate the survivors.

We want to share an amazing personal story of fighting this disease from one of our Optimus Steel team members. Karen McBride Toohey found out in 2003, after self- detection of a lump, that she had cancer. She was devastated by the fact that something was going on in her body that she had no control over. She sought out a second opinion and headed to MD Anderson Treatment Center in Houston, Texas. Karen described her treatment and time there as phenomenal.

Karen has a family history of breast cancer and had lost an aunt to the disease. Gripped with the devastating truth, Karen proceeded with treatment and faced the fear of losing her hair. She knew she had to make the best of a pretty painful situation. She glammed up with large earrings, cute caps, and changing hair color to keep her spirits high and push herself to keep fighting.

Karen expresses how fortunate she was to have her mother and the rest of her family as a support system with her through this journey. She knows her faith in God carried her through the experience. She strongly encourages everyone to understand the importance for men and women to get checked out and receive annual exams. Karen is a warrior and is currently a fifteen-and-a-half-year survivor!

This month we celebrate Karen McBride Toohey. We are thankful for her courage and willingness to give back by pushing others to care for themselves and be diligent in regular self-checks. Karen thank you for encouraging us all in ways you may not even realize.


Summer, Sun and Optimus Steel Safety

On a Texas Day in August, employees of Optimus Steel arrive at work in perfect 70-degree weather while the sun rises.

Electrical and mechanical maintenance supervisors gather for the daily safety inspections. This is an essential part of the work day at the Beaumont Mill before employees step up to their nearly 3,000-degree furnace to turn scrap metal into high quality steel wire rods.

The process of steel making includes hundreds of people and thousands of steps. From trucks, rail cars and barges getting unloaded, to melting, refining and rolling, to products being shipped out again. All of these things happen here, and safety is the most important part of the process.

The Safety Manager at Optimus Steel, Matt Hammer, says the safety program has been developed over years of operations and technical advancements in the field.

Hammer said the daily safety walks ahead of production meetings, audits and inspections are integral to holding themselves to the perfect standards.

“We hold weekly safety meetings with every member of our leadership team to discuss success and opportunities,” Hammer said. “We have a strong and resourceful Joint Health and Safety Committee to ensure all voices are heard and to ensure hourly participation in the safety program.”

It’s a priority of Optimus’ to make sure every new addition to the company will be able contribute to these safety measures. Optimus Steel goes one step further by spending thousands of dollars on fresh fruit during the summer, installing state of the art cooling stations, offering cooling vests as well as other industry standard heat reduction tools.

While company-wide safety processes are important, it is also critical that every individual is given the opportunity to take the best care of themselves possible.

Here are a few safety rules to live by:

Six safety and health principles for the industry:

  1. All injuries and work-related illness can and must be prevented.
  2. Management is responsible and accountable for safety and health performance.
  3. Employee engagement and training is essential.
  4. Working safely is a condition of employment.
  5. Excellence in safety and health supports excellent business results.
  6. Safety and health must be integrated in all business-management processes.

From the World Steel Association

It is vitally important to account for the summer heat. Here are other tips to avoid heat related illnesses:

  1. Do not drink energy drinks.
  2. Avoid other drinks with a lot of sugar and caffeine.
  3. Eat light lunches and snacks.
  4. Pace yourself and take breaks if needed.
  5. Listen to your body.
  6. Alternate water and electrolyte replacement drinks.

From the Center for Disease Control

Optimus Steel: The Beginning of Us

“We strive for perfection in everything we do. Our goal is to outperform the steel industry in safety, quality, value and innovation.”

This is the philosophy that has captivated the 42-year-old Beaumont Mill by virtue of its new owner Optimus Steel LLC. Optimus Steel is a newly formed venture. The company acquired the mill on April 1, 2018.

“We bought the mill with the intent to better serve the many longtime customers of the mill and to grow in the steel making business. We believe we are doing that with the depth and breadth of high quality products we provide, and our superior logistic solutions because we can ship by barge, rail and truck,” said Vice President of Sales and Marketing, Ed Goettl.

The plant located in Beaumont, Texas, has a capacity of approximately 700,000 tons. A figure Optimus Steel is already making complete use of. They are well into the production of wire rods, billets and coiled rebar serving a multitude of industries including construction, automotive, energy and more.

“We have already started to invest significantly in the business to increase output and to improve quality,” he said. “We’re coming in with a new angle and none of these things can be done without the employees.”

Optimus Steel employs industrial electricians, switchmen, crane operators and millwrights to all types of maintenance supervisors.

“Without their knowledge, without their expertise, without their commitment and dedication — what we have been able to achieve in such a short period of time just wouldn’t have been possible,” Goettl said.

For example, Goettl remembers when Optimus first decided they needed a brand-new Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system. From start to finish, the system was implemented in 45 days.

“Our employees are going 100 miles an hour all day long,” he said.

The employees embody honesty, responsibility, excellence, passion and teamwork. Values that are translated into the end-product. Goettl said everything comes back to the quality of what they are putting out — it will always set them apart.

Optimus Steel wants to be known for four things:

  • Safety
  • Stakeholder value
  • Quality
  • Innovation

Matthew Hammer, Optimus Steel Safety Manager, says one example is their innovative safety program which has been developed over years of operations and technical advancements in the field.

“We use up-to-date technology to enhance the safety of our employees — like using drones for inspections of areas that are not readily accessible,” Hammer said. “Working together at all levels of employment, we strive to advance our safety program.”

Hammer said they also take daily safety walks ahead of any production meetings, perform internal and external audits as well as inspections to make sure they do what they are say they are doing with their products.

“We benchmark with trade organizations like the Steel Manufacturers Association. This bench-marking not only keeps us up-to-date with industry standards but allows us to compete with the best-of-the-best safety programs in North America and across the globe,” Hammer said.

Goettl said they implement their goals and values in dealing with their customers.

“We say we’re striving for perfection in everything we do,” he said. “The ultimate judge of that is going to be our employees, customers and vendors. We’re trying to be on time with our schedule, we’re trying to have outstanding safety performance and give a return to our stakeholders.”

If Optimus Steel can always hold themselves to these standards, Goettl believes they will be able to achieve their goal of continuing to grow in the industry either by building new mills or additional acquisitions nationally and possibly internationally.

“If we do these things properly then our brand will become more and more of a force in the steel industry,” Goettl said.

South East Texas Food Bank

Team Members: Clifford and Rosie Wineland, Joseph, Misty, Jolie and Jaxson Wineland, Marcos Dal Ponte, Jim and Pamela Kerkvliet, Joey Pineda, Terri Finn, Theresa Allen, Cheryl Zabish, Leonardo Radicchi, Joao Dantas, Chris Henson, Shaniqua Johnson, Hubert and Nancy Morris and Andy Davis.

On a Saturday morning, at 8:30 am, when most are thinking of having a nice hot cup of coffee, the Optimus team assembles at the South East Texas Food Bank ready for action. The activity for the day includes filling 1,000 boxes for seniors to be distributed throughout our community.

The team has representatives from every level of our operation. We are especially proud that charity truly does begin at home and there are wives and children gladly making their contributions to the effort with us. Our youngest team members are 8 and 11 years old!

The activity commences with food items packed into boxes, organized management of any waste generated and mechanical movement and staging of the boxes ready for distribution. The activity is well organized, the team works hard and has fun, finishes early and without any safety incidents!

This relationship established with the Food Bank will continue. It is one of our many commitments to give back to our community.

Thanks team! Without a doubt, Optimus Steel has the best, hard-working caring individuals anywhere!