Category Archives: Social Responsibility

What are electric arc furnaces

Advantages of Electric Arc Furnaces (EAF) in Steelmaking Processes

Electric Arc Furnaces: for a much greener and more energy-efficient steel industry

According to statistics from the Steel Manufacturers Association (SMA), for over a quarter of a century more than 70% of the steel produced in America has been obtained by means of one of the greenest and most sustainable solutions to date: Electric Arc Furnaces.

Steelmaking by means of EAFs is much more efficient in terms of the energy necessary for the process, since its operation requires mostly electricity, thus circumventing the consumption of a large portion of non-renewable resources.

What is an Electric Arc Furnace and how does it work?

An EAF is a type of melting furnace used in the steel industry for steelmaking; in it, the main raw material of scrap metal is melted by means of electrical energy.

This type of melting  furnace can reach up to 3000 °F and have devices that allow the temperature to be controlled accurately and safely. 

What are the advantages of Electric Arc Furnaces in steelmaking processes?

  • An efficient way to significantly reduce carbon emissions in steel production.
  • Can be used to produce a large number of steel products, which makes it possible to satisfy different industries, thus making production processes more flexible.
  • Processes are controlled, which drives productivity and time efficiency.
  • EAFs use Best Available Control Technology (BACT) and Maximum Achievable Control Technology (MACT) to capture, control and reduce emissions from steel production.

Optimus Steel: committed to a greener and more sustainable steelmaking

Aligned with the objectives of the SMA to make the steelmaking processes greener, more sustainable and more efficient, at Optimus Steel we make use of an Electric Arc Furnace for the melting of raw materials, which has allows us to be a better neighbor and supplier to our customers.

The steel products provided by Optimus Steel have a positive impact on our environment, as much of our raw material is steel recovered from scrap yards.

Some data from the SMA on EAF Steel:

  • More than 70% of the steel produced in America is EAF Steel.
  • Thanks to this type of process, a car in scrap condition can be transformed to be used for new items used in  daily life or as part of new automobiles.
  • EAF Steel grows the industry, which in the long term creates new jobs.
  • EAF operations generate 2X more steel and up to 75% less greenhouse gas emissions, compared to traditional production processes.
Optimus Steel One Tree Planted Reforestation actions

Optimus Steel: Planting the Seeds for a Better Future

Learn about our reforestation actions

Optimus Steel is a company committed not only to providing products able to meet the needs of our customers, who serve many different industries, but also committed to social and environmental responsibility. This has led us to undertake actions focused on giving back to our community and beyond..

This is why in the name or our customers, since 2020 we start supporting One Tree Planted, as part of our multiple initiatives to make a positive impact. This has also proven to be effective in motivating our team to become more aware of our relationship with the planet.

What is One Tree Planted?

One Tree Planted is a non-profit association dedicated to reforestation, present in North America, Latin America, Africa, Asia and Europe. One Tree Planted partners with individuals, schools and committed companies, just like us and our customers, to plant trees in different regions, with a recent focus on the reforestation needs in the United States.

An important volunteer base works day after day to improve our environment, one tree at a time. The goal of the association is global reforestation, and developing a simple process that allows people to take action in a simple way.

This non-profit association was established in 2014 and is present in 43 countries already, including of course the United States. More than 40 million new trees have been planted by One Tree Planted and partners.

Achievements of Optimus Steel & Customers:

In 2020, Optimus Steel partnered with One Tree Planted to undertake reforestation actions and promote a culture of environmental care among our employees and their families, a task achieved thanks to the strategic support of our customers.

Our way of supporting this cause is through donations, which are made on behalf of our customers. These donations have been made on a quarterly basis; since we partnered with One Tree Planted in 2020, more than 22,000 trees have been donated.

Planting the Future:

Our desire for the future is to continue supporting our customers, our employees, their families, the local community and the wider world by means of concrete and measurable actions, many of which we will share with you in future installments of this blog..

This 2022 we will continue working in collaboration with our customers and One Tree Planted so that our united efforts will go even further, something that we are sure to achieve with the support and dedication of our partners.